Tonight is Halloween, and Death takes a walk through the streets of the Paradise Heights...
The latest production from Tales from Paradise Heights and the first venture into animation, you can find out much more on the film's genesis at this link:
Animated by the mighty Darren McGinn, with music by Justin Wetherill.
There are many Tales from Paradise Heights...and tonight is Halloween.
A little girl sits by her window, scared by 'the man' outside.
A family man, begins his lonely night-time vigil.
A taxi-driver, begins a shift that he will never forget.
And a loan shark stalks the streets, still haunted by his past...
This is the Tale of The Watcher
You can find out more about the making of The Watcher at this link:
There's a great documentary here too, from Ben Mottershead, that goes behind the scenes of the film. Click the link below:
Joe & The Paradise Heights Massive x