But his arrival at the manor has awoken something, something horrific within the walls. As a raging storm closes off Blaine Manor from the outside world, Earle and the others find that what is waiting there is not nearly as horrific as what has entered with him…

In addition to M R James I found Edgar Allan Poe equally terrifying. I remembered as a kid seeing an animated version of The Tell Tale Heart, narrated by James Mason, that scared the hell out of me. I loved the deliciously dark poem, The Raven and of course the films The Fall of the House of Usher, The Pit and the Pendulum, The Masque of the Red Death introduced me to the great Vincent Price.
So, yes, those are my influences, my starting points. But it's not much fun if you don't do something new with all that is it?
This, coupled with the absolutely amazing performance space that is HOPE MILL THEATRE promises to be an unforgettable evening of theatre. Try not to come alone, have someone to hold on to. Keep telling yourself...it's only a play...it's only a play.
Featuring a firecracker cast of Peter Slater, Jo Haydock, Ian Curley, Andrew Yates, and Daniel Thackeray and my bad self. The play features an original sound design by the quite brilliant Justin Wetherill.
Tickets are now selling quite well so get yours booked as soon as you can, you can book at the link below. Say you were there at the play's inaugural run...to quote one of the characters 'It's going to be quite a night...'