I've had one of those moments today and it will stay with me, probably till I drop . Where did it come from? A film trailer.
I've always had a philosphy, a belief that there is more to life than this. A belief that the faces that are close to us in our lives are faces we have known before and faces we will know again. That this life is merely a link to the next life; and what we do in this life follows us into the next. I've always felt this for as long as I can remember.
That does not make me a crack pot, or a David Icke, it's just my own quiet belief, I don't force it on anyone else as anyone who knows me will know. I'm a live and let live kinda bloke,, very positive and friendly guy.
I expressed the belief I talk about above in a film I did at Salford Uni 13 years ago. A supernatural thriller with a central love story, that film was called MYTH. All I can say is five minutes of film have NEVER spoken to me like the five minutes of film below.
What's really intersting is JIM STURGESS is in the film. Jim Sturgess was in the original film version of I'M FRANK MORGAN, and I'm doing the play version of I'M FRANK MORGAN in less than 7 days time.
I believe the greatest emotional times we have in our lives, those that enrich our lives and indeed those that scar us deeply; are ripples that travel outwards as we do. Like the trailer says 'ice skate scored into ice that we go over again and again', it's my belief that the love of your life will be found in the next one, and has come from the life before, I'm an incurable romantic on that score. This life is merely a link to the next and what we do in this life follows us into the next, and that is all spoken in the trailer above. I believe I found her in this life and lost her - incredibly damaging but equally helping me find a strength I never thought I had. Maybe I'll find her again in this life, but if not the next.
Or maybe I haven't even found her yet? Regardless I carry on, and after today's 'moment' I have never felt so charged and full of life. The same Joe, but on a mission like never before.
Shirley the Angel's place in Paradise Heights is tapped into this philosphy, a philosphy I am further exploring in further tales from the Heights featuring her. We have only seen a very small part of her journey through the plays so far.
In the meantime, back to work, back to lines and rehearsals and to the play that started the whole TALES FROM PARADISE HEIGHTS bandwagon rolling...I'M FRANK MORGAN, hope to see you there on Friday night. Joe x
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